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My Brithday Wish

Hey My Lovelies, as most of you know if you follow me on social media or watch my YouTube Channel you know that I just had a Birthday. As With Us All I have been experiencing uncertainty and fear in this season, As the World changes dramatically right before our eyes. Turning 45 has been a Blessing to witness. As I have been in deep prayer over my own life, I cannot love myself and NOT think about you in the same regards. I am in prayer for Humanity as the ages of time are turning, I couldn't help but to get nostalgic about my childlike faith. God has not given us a spirit of fear, But of love and a sound mind. If we are trusting God that no matter what, He will get the glory because He is in control. God has not left or forsaken us, and even if you are dealing with something right now that could potentially take you out; just KNOW that there is a plan for all of our lives, and it's NOT about what is happening, has happened, or will happen to us, its about our attitude toward that thing. Cheer UP God is in control. No Man woman or child is greater than God. No President sitting in the Whitehouse is NOT bigger than God. God will Use whatever enemy as a footstool for our feet, and that means even if it appears that an "Enemy" is winning the ending is already written.

For my 45 birthday wish, I wish for that simple child-like prayer and hope and that is " Peace On Earth" I wish for peace and love for us all. I pray that we would not judge each other based on the way we look. I pray that we can just get along and unite for the love of humanity. I wish!!! Even though I know that I may never get my wish because we live in the real world and everyone here isn't happy about that. Those miserable people are causing havoc and beginning wars. BUT, Our responsibility is to stand and trust God and that's what I will continue to do. So for my birthday, Will you stand with me in prayer for America, and Our whole world, so that our children's children will have a place to live. Let's together Blow out the candles of Hatred and division and accept our gift of a peaceful new world.

Keyword: a healthy lifestyle blog

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